Thursday 30 May 2013

Just an Advice....

For a long time aina lama x today i would like to share with girls out there about AURAT...seems like interesting..of coz my let me start my talk....

Aurat...what is aurat?? Many people know the meaning of aurat but they always take for granted the importance in taking care their aurat...Many girls out there dah mula berhijrah alhamdulillah...but here some advice for u my dear...if u wear tudung,make sure its cover your chest,x jarang,x pendek and dont sanggul your hair tinggi like bukit...i know i'm not perfect enough,but tak salahkan if we know the truth we spread what we can share to others...?? And my lovely,beautiful ladies out there u will look more and more prettier if u wear baju yang longgar x ketat means menampakkan susuk tubuhmu yang menawan tu,girls protect that..and about seluar pulak make sure dont wear seluar yang skinny tu..i know memang cantik plus colours dia yang colourful make u attractive to buy right?? but if u see back the seluar melekat right bila u pakai and its follow your leg shape..this means membaluti aurat not covering your aurat...i'm sorry again if what i'm saying make u angry or annoyed with me but i'm a girl too so i'm just give advice based on my opinion and my observation...

one more things i u know girls your feet u have to wear stokin...u know why??becoz your feet also aurat lenglai....aurat kita seluruh anggota badan KECUALI Tapak tangan dan muka are u clear with the statement??...alhamdulillah if u understand that...and last but not least...apa yang i ckp dekat sini bukan untk mengutuk hijabis kat luar sana...i know we are human being tak lepas dri if we dah sedar kesilapan kita dalm menutup aurat better u perbaiki untuk menjadi muslimah yang sejati...bukan untuk pandangan manusia tapi pandangan Allah....utamakanlah pandangan Allah drpada pandangan manusia kerana Allah Maha Melihat,Maha Besar...senang cerita Allah is more powerful...kita pun Allah ciptakan so renung-renungkanlah,dan ingatlah Ramai penghuni Neraka terdiri drpd golongan WANITA!...jadi selagi hayat dikandung badan let us change ourselves dlm mencari mardhatilah(redha) until here...and i'm sorry if what i'm saying make uolss annoyed with me...tq...